Keeping octupuses

I have one that is a replacement for one that just died. They are cool and easy to keep as long as you feed them well and make sure their water is perfect! They really need their own tank, too.
They will eat damsels.. but that can get $$$. I live over the water so i just go under my house and lift rocks and grab a small crab once a week. He loves themk but I realize this isnt possible for all. I would go to a fish (the food king) store and get some red snapper and maybe a few shrimp. Feed him sparingly!!!


While I can relate to your wanting an octopus, I wouldn't say they are easy to keep. While I personally have never kept one, I have done some reading on them. It seems there are three major problems associated with keeping them. #1 They are escape artist, and will try to get out of every crak and crevice. #2 they release dye when startled, and its hard to get the dye out the tank. The dye can also kill the octopus. #3 They supposedly don't live very long in captivity. Something like 6 months. I'd do a little more checking first. Also, Im sure someone on here knows more about this than me, so just wait for a few more responses. :D
As a reply to the 3 problems listed above...
1) I keep mine in an eclipse System 12 that has a VERY tight hood and the only escapes slot is taped over.
2) They dont squirt ink very often at all. Mine didnt even when he was being caught and bagged. And never has since!!!
3) They dont live very long in the wild either... The pet store kind (Atlantic or Pygmy) only have a 1 year life span.
Well.. thats all I can tell you about that. There are as many reasons to have one as there are not to. What I can tell you is that I know a lot of people with huge reefs, yet their Octi. is their favorite!
Good luck!
They will not eat flake at all, and the only frozen fish store type food they will eat would be something like silversides (small) But you must thaw them first.
As far as ones that live longer..... I think all those breeds are big and not suitible for aquarium trade. Be sure to keep him in his own tank... he can kill his tankmates with ease!!!