keeping polyps in aggressive tank?



I bought a bunch of live rock about a month ago for my aggressive tank. The rock came from a very established reef and has some mushroom and star polyps on it. So far, the polyps look great and the star has actually started to spread. I don't have anything in my tank that will mess with the polyps.
Conventional wisdom says to pick either a reef or FO but in this situation, I am wondering if I could house very hardy polyps like these. If so, are there other polyps that would be okay in my tank? I have two 96 watt power compact lights, one regular flourescent light and one 24" two bulb fixture with actinic day bulbs in it.
I already know that these need excellent water quality and are sensitive to nitrates. Just wondering if there are any other potential problems with going down this road.
Ophiura, I'd really like to hear your opinion on this. Thanks for any input.


Don't want a reef... and I don't have the lighting. I just want to keep a couple polyps and feather dusters.


I have a lion tank with colt coral, polyps and a few anenomes and have no problems whatsoever. With that said, I wouldn't introduce a wrasse without realizing the polyps and corals would become a quick snack. It really depends on the type of aggressive fish you want. Be careful and thoroughly research your fish selection.


I am setting up an agressive sps reef right now. It can be done. Triggers from the genus Xanthichthys are generally considered reef safe. Angels are hit and miss, lions are fine as long as you don't want inverts and tangs are reef safe. I don't know what other agressive fish you are looking for, but if you do your homework it can be done. I have talked with many people on another board that do it. One guy has a picasso trigger in with polyps, xenia and other soft corals.


I have these fish:
epaullette shark
yellow stingray
miniatus grouper
purple tang
sohal tang


dude what size is your tank to keep fish of that size i'm curious do you have any pics it sounds like a pretty awsome sized tank.


:happyfish I'm out of town, post some pics when I get home... :happyfish