Keeping Sand Clean


I have been looking at pictures of people established tanks and the sand is so white and clean looking. My sand tends to be brown with alot of detrius looking stuff. I have enough water flow, but I am not sure if I have the correct CUC setup.
How do you keep the sand clean?
Also, I have a 48" Coralife 4-65w PC for lighting. Would this be the cause?


Active Member
I have a golden headed sleeper goby that keeps my sand clean. The drawback is he puts sand everywhere and anywhere. What size tank and what do you have in it?


75 gal with 20gal sump and ASM G-1x skimmer.
Yellow Tang
2 black/white Clowns
2 Green Chromis
4-5 Mexican Turbo Snails
A mix of other snails/crabs.
Had a Lawnmower Blenny but he suddenly disappeared and I haven't found him since. Moved all the rocks and no sign of him.
My sand has been kind of nasty lately so I added some extra snails, hermits, and a cleaner shrimp to my saltwaterfish order the other day. I put them in and in the morning I could honestly tell a difference in my sandbed. They have scavenged the hell out of my tank. The key is to have a mix of species in your CUC.