keeping sandbed clean in my aggressive tank??


ok because of the inhabitants i will have in my 75 FOWLR i probably won't be abe to keep a "classic clean-up crew" alive for long (eel, lion, puffer) there anything i can add that will keep my sand bed healthy???
can i keep a few cowries (they have very hard shells) they are great glass cleaner...anyone know if they will clean my sandbed aswell???


A Huma Huma trigger stirs up the sand a good bit too. :) You should look into one of those if you can fit it.


The harlequin tusks are pretty but really expensive I guess. I might try a horseshoe crab in mine. I don't know if its a good idea or not but I figure, what the hell!


Active Member
dont do a horseshoe they will get destroyed. a lunare or dragon wrasse will stir the sand good. later, bo
the tusk does a good job but so does my big puffer. the tusk digs holes everyday and the puffer just spits crush coral everywhere.


Dragon wrasse is cheeper and they do an outstanding job of moveing the sand around. I have a friend that has one. I just do it my self about everyother day. I have not found one that is big enough to make it in my tank. Good Luck


Active Member
dragons are soo cool, but if you are gonna have on, make sure your lr and corals are wellsecured, they hate a messy house, and love to clean up and rearrange(so to speak, they move rocks around)


Active Member
<a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>
not the best pic, but best i could grab right away
here is another, it is the last pic, on hte bottom right<a href="" target="_blank">web page</a>