Keeping the "con" in aquacon


New Member
*** edit*** Sorry for your problems with this company. my advice is to research any company that you want to do buisness with before placeing an order.
I have to lock this thread even though its a warning about a company its still a competitor of and being so there are no links allowed to this company. I Hope that everything gets worked out between you and this compnay though.


The point of the post is to inform everyone not to do business with aquacon. It dosen't matter what the problem was they are obviously shady.


New Member
I placed an online order on February 8, 2007, I then added additional items to that order on February 14th. After a brief delay at my request I informed the vendor that I would be ready to recieve my complete order on February 27th. I have since that time sent repeated emails and placed numerous phone calls asking when my order would be shipped, only to be reassured by Ron (at Aquacon) that my order would be going out the following week. It has still not been shipped, and I have recieved numerous reasons for the delay. I have also asked Ron at Aquacon to ship the items he does have in stock and to refund me the difference, but he has neither aknowledged what he could ship, or when he would ship it. I am obviously very concerned about this purchase, and would either like to recieve the order or have my funds reimbursed.


Originally Posted by shiveley
I placed an online order on February 8, 2007, I then added additional items to that order on February 14th. After a brief delay at my request I informed the vendor that I would be ready to recieve my complete order on February 27th. I have since that time sent repeated emails and placed numerous phone calls asking when my order would be shipped, only to be reassured by Ron (at Aquacon) that my order would be going out the following week. It has still not been shipped, and I have recieved numerous reasons for the delay. I have also asked Ron at Aquacon to ship the items he does have in stock and to refund me the difference, but he has neither aknowledged what he could ship, or when he would ship it. I am obviously very concerned about this purchase, and would either like to recieve the order or have my funds reimbursed.

I think this is the wrong place to voice this concern...


Originally Posted by reefpro
I think this is the wrong place to voice this concern...

He's not going to get any restitution by voicing it here, but it may save someone else some trouble.


Where should it have been posted? I thank him very much as I was about to order from them...THANKS :cheer: :cheer:


Originally Posted by AdroitMind
He's not going to get any restitution by voicing it here, but it may save someone else some trouble.
That's what im talking about...
Thank you shiveley,very informative.I say this is a good place for any new people in the hobby.I learned along time ago to check online vendors reputation from the BBB or other consumer affairs agencies before purchasing anything.