Keeping your tank clean.


Active Member
How do you pro's keep your tanks clean? Not the water, the sides of the glass and sand. I just tore down my 10 last night and it was pretty rude.


I have an algae scraping stick for the glass which no longer grows cyano algae or the green types but instead grows hair algae on occasion.
As far as the sand I guess I would recommend some sand sifting snails or hermit crabs, even sand sifting crabs would work I'm sure.


A lot of people use the magnet glass cleaners. And I definately agree that some sort of sand sifter is suggested for the sand. Diamondback gobies are my fav


OOOhhh!!! He looks scary! It looks like his eyes, nose, and wicked mouth! But your cc looks clean! :cheer:

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by ci11337
For sand/cc, get one of these,(some kind of conch)

that is atiger sand conch! i had one but it died recently in a power outage...those lil guys are pretty active...and kinda fun to watch


Those don't need sand? since it's sitting on CC! that thing looks a little crazy... I'm not being smart I promise I was curious I was told not to get feather dusters having cc and I got them anyway and they attached just fine! so I was guessing that it wouldn't matter but that thing looks cool, I couldn't get one w/ having a choc. chip star


Active Member
For sand stirring, I would recommend tongan nassarius snails.
The small fighting conchs are good too!
I saw olive snails at a LFS that I am thinking of getting as they looked really cool!


Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
that is atiger sand conch! i had one but it died recently in a power outage...those lil guys are pretty active...and kinda fun to watch
Agree, great to watch with those eyeballs sticking out of the shell like that. Queens and fighting conches will do the same job.


Beginner here. What do you guys think of the reef package on this sight? What is the ratio of cleaners to gallons? What cleaners are the most important to have?


Active Member
I use razor blades on my glass to scrape off hard stuff (use caution) and a mag float for the day to day glass cleaning. (if you use a razor blade make sure you wash it first as most have a light coating of oil to prevent rusting in the pacage) thats just for the front everything else I let my snails and hermits handle. I have probably 8 different types of snail so between them all they do a good job of keeping everything nice and clean.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by WHO DEY
he got the Janitor of the year award!! :cheer:

what is that thing?? i want one lol

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by d0 thy d3w
what is that thing?? i want one lol
thats a tiger cowrey. Really cool. I originally got him to help control hair algae as i got my phosphates down and he's one of the coolest creatures in marine life!


I highly recommend a yellow headed sleeper goby. This is mine.............he picks up mouths full of sand and cleans it and drops from its gills. Very cool to watch and relatively inexpensive...............


d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by sflasurfer
I highly recommend a yellow headed sleeper goby. This is mine.............he picks up mouths full of sand and cleans it and drops from its gills. Very cool to watch and relatively inexpensive...............

i saw one of those at the LFS!! i thought it was the coolest thing!! i think ill do some research on them and maybe purchase one if i can care for its needs


Active Member
I love those yellow headed sleeper goby, they are my favorite fish to watch at the lfs store. ***) Definitley plan to get one of those when I get my tank all set up.


i watched an orange spot today at my LFS and he was going sand and making a was pretty cool to watch him take mouth fulls of sand from under a rock turn around and spit it into a mound....have to be careful with those gobies as they like to live in burrows and holes under rock