kent calcium

How quickly will kent calcium get coral line algea growing on my live rock will it at all i want red algea will that grow also i have a queen trigger will he eat it before it can grow?


Active Member
I use Kent Tech CB A & B (Calcium Buffer) and it works well for me. if you want coralline to grow you have to have a source of coralline to begin with (i.e. a piece of live rock with coralline already on it). Once you get the LR w/coralline on it you can scrub the existing coralline with a toothbrush to get coralline spores airborne. If you have existing coralline and keep your calcium and alkalinity up it will spread like crazy!
Wow thats nice rock i have only have 20lbs of lr now 25 i added 5lbs of living rock i think its more i have a queen trigger so i dont want to add to much rock i know the fish needs extra room to move so i tryed to keep it to a minimum. So if i just add the calcium its called liquid calcium will my other rock pieces grow some algea or no. Thanks for any advice
stong current will help spread coraline too.
be crarful not to overdose the liquid calcium. it is very easy to do. kalkwalser will grow the coraline better if you ask me, but all other parameters need to be near perfect also.
i use liquid reactor on my tanks now, and i am having just as good results as when i was using kalk.
Dam it i was putting some in and i miss read the instruction it said put 1 /4th teaspoon per 50 gallons i put in 1 and 1 4th teaspoon and i only have a 40 gallon an the teaspoon was a pig one it was the capfull wich they said was a teaspoon wat should i do. Dam im an idiot.


Active Member
No worries, a little extra calcium won't hurt anything! It will probably help jump start things a bit! Corralline will spread to all of your rock in time (and your glass and powerheads, etc..) just keep your calcium in the 400-475 range and your alk in the 11-13 dkh range and you will have more corraline than you know what to do with. See the bottom pieces of rock on the left and right in my picture in the above post, they were completely bleached, dry base rock when I put them in that tank and now they have coralline. Once your tank starts to mature you will be amazed at what grows. I was cleaning my Fluval Canister filter today and i have about 30 tube worms attached inside growing on the inner walls of filter!
I dont see any coral line on the 2 new pieces i bout how do i introduce it then the other 20-25 lbs i have used to have coral line algea i believe but wen i took apart my tank i left the live rock out side for around 6 months so now its dead. How do i get the spores if i dont see any on the 2 new peices there might be they are pretty big.


Active Member
Just goto your LFS and get a few pieces of LR rubble with some coralie on it and toss it into the tank.
and BTW - it takes a LOT of 2-part addtitive to effectivley change the water paramters. So I wouldn't worry about over dosing it, it's next to impossible. Just follow the directions and you won't have any problems.