Kent CB A & B ?????????


Does anyone know how often I can add these products to my tank ( 90 gal) in order to stimulate coraline algae growth. I have been adding it for a week now everyday and there is already a light covering on my rocks. There was already some in my tank on several spots of rock but this product has definitely propagated its growth within my tank....Im just wondering what is too much and too often???????


Active Member
Are you adding the buffers without checking your calcium and alkalinity level? If so, you may have already overdosed. If you do not have an alkalinity and Calcium test kit, I recommend you buy one before you continue dosing the additives. I would recommend either Salifert or LaMotte test kits. You should have a calcium of around 450ppm and an Alkalinity of around 8-13dKH. I have an alkalinity of around 11dKH to stimulate more coralline coverage.
Take Care,


Active Member
I use it every day in my SPS tank which has fairly substantial calcium requirements, but as Graham said keep an eye on your levels through the test kits. You don't want too much!