Kent Marine Float Valve Kit For RO and RO/DI Units


Active Member
Anyone setup a Kent Marine Float Valve Kit with a Kent Marine Hi-S Maxxima 35 GPD RO/DI System
Call me stupid but I need some help. Im setting this up in my sump which would be ok alone.. but I dont understand the other items that install near the RO unit itself.


I setup one for my Ro/DI unit. I put it on a 55 gallon trash can. It was easy just drilled a hole in the side put in the rubber washers, tightened it, then put the water tube in the connector. Really straigt forward.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
I setup one for my Ro/DI unit. I put it on a 55 gallon trash can. It was easy just drilled a hole in the side put in the rubber washers, tightened it, then put the water tube in the connector. Really straigt forward.

What about that white portion of the setup? I cant figure out where or what its for.. It shows it going in near the RO unit itself. Did you use that piece?? ITs the piece shaped like a box with two openings.


Active Member
Pressure valve...
When float closes (tub full) output pressure rises and closes off input water to shut RO down...
"T off of output and in-out on input...Got it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Pressure valve...
When float closes (tub full) output pressure rises and closes off input water to shut RO down...
"T off of output and in-out on input...Got it...

aaah.. .thanks Squidd!!!


I have the Kent HI-S maxxima 60 gpd with the kit you are showing the white valve stops the water from running 24hrs through the prefilter and the carbon filter. If you don't need it you can sell it they sell for about $30 by itself why didnt you just by the foat valve and some ro tubing, would of cost less than $20.
Are you sure that the unit has it one it :notsure: kent does not sell them with the valves installed, unless you bought it from some vendor that installed it them self.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jamie814
I have the Kent HI-S maxxima 60 gpd with the kit you are showing the white valve stops the water from running 24hrs through the prefilter and the carbon filter. If you don't need it you can sell it they sell for about $30 by itself why didnt you just by the foat valve and some ro tubing, would of cost less than $20.
Are you sure that the unit has it one it :notsure: kent does not sell them with the valves installed, unless you bought it from some vendor that installed it them self.
I thought it was to release pressure in the line. I installed it anyway.. I found out it wasnt installed wrong.. my problem was the maxx 60 i bought last year NEVER shipped with a membrane!!!! Ive been using the thing this whole time without it.. course i have replaced the prefilters.. but i never checked the membrane.. I was so pissed. Kent is shipping me one for free.. Thank god they are honest.


Active Member
You need to install the pressure relief valve on the system to make it work safely......Just try leaving the RO hooked up to the float valve and listen to the dang thing hiss.....A good amount of pressure builds up in the line


Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic51
You need to install the pressure relief valve on the system to make it work safely......Just try leaving the RO hooked up to the float valve and listen to the dang thing hiss.....A good amount of pressure builds up in the line

Yea i figured that pressure had to go somewhere :)


Originally Posted by acrylic51
You need to install the pressure relief valve on the system to make it work safely......Just try leaving the RO hooked up to the float valve and listen to the dang thing hiss.....A good amount of pressure builds up in the line
Thats not exactly true. Yes pressure releif valves do prevent pressure from building up but, that is not what the little white box is. It is a pressure activated soleniod shutoff vavle. SO when the float valve on the sump shuts the water off the pressure builds up and closes the vavle on the ro unit to prevent the water form continusly running through the prefilter and the carbon filter continously making wast water and dirtying your filters much faster. Without it the pressure will only build up to your standard household pressure that is in the house it will not damage anything. The float valve on your sump is designed to run on standard household pressure 40psi to 75psi. A pressure relief valve would open and let the water out when it builds to a certain level like on a hot water heater. Not close when the pressure builds up like the shutoff valve.