Kent Nano Supplement


I dont know if there is a thread out here for this stuff yet or not, but I would like to praise Kent for making such a wonderful product. Since I have been using Part A/Part B Nano supplement on my 10g tank, everything has just started growing like crazy. My Monti Capricornis has grown almost an inch in the last month and a half. I would strongly suggest that everyone with a nano go out and buy this stuff. I add half a cap of each(2.5ml to 10g) every day and it keeps my trace elements/pH/calcium/etc. just right.
If I can get my pic small enough to post on here I'll add it to the thread.


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
how do u keep the algae out of ur tank?

I really haven't had a problem with it since I moved last month. Regular water changes(2g every week or two) and not over feeding the fish really help. I have a small army of crabs and snails that seem to do the trick. I also change the pads in my hang-on filters every week because they trap food and it turns into nitrates and food for the algae.
I also have noticed little nudibranch-like organisms all over the place. They almost look like little brown leaves that move and multiply like rabbits. At first, there were only a couple, but now they are everywhere. I haven't been able to tell what they are, but they get no bigger than about 1/16th of an inch. Got me on that one!
I have notice a few very tiny black looking snails roaming around the tank, but I don't think they will make a dent in the tank.
Before I moved, the tank had problems with hair algae so I added some green grape caulerpa to the tank to overtake it. It worked too well cause I could not get the caulerpa under control unless I took out every rock and cleaned as best I could. When I moved there was a very little bit left, so I made sure that side was down under the rock with no light.
Hope that helps a bit. The tank has been running for over a year and a half, so its matured beyond the bad algae problems, except if there is a big problem with my water. With age, your tank will get to where it can process the food and waste produced much more effeciently, so give it time.


Active Member
alrite those leave nudibranch things your talking about are coral eaters. i learned from experience and of people told me. so i found all of those leave like creatures all over my zoos and polyps. took them all out with a turkey blaster. and no more.
ok back to the subject. what does the kent nano supplement do? is it ok too mix with the things i pour in which is like iodine, zooplex, phytoplex, coral vite, essential elements, stronitum/ molybdenum. so all of those are the things i pour in every week. i just wanted to know how it improved your tank.
btw very nice i like those shrooms you got there


Well, I haven't noticed any loss of corals at all from the little leaf-like creatures, just no algae. I will keep a close eye on em.
The Nano-Reef part A and B are made for nano tanks. They are produced with the proper amounts of all the minerals and nutrients that the water needs to be most like sea water. You add 8 drops(1ml) per 4 gallons per day. The only thing they reccomend using with this is Marine C. This nano-reef system has everything you need in it. It replaces all those other bottles. You just have to remember to add it every day. If your like me, it is easier to do it daily, rather than having to remember to do it once a week.
I used 2.5ml of each part every day and have seen a huge improvement in the health and growth of my tank. Here is a pic of what my monti capricornis looks like after using this stuff, along with a live phyto supplement, for only a month and a half. When I got this frag, it was two small frags, one about the size of a dime and the other about a nickel. I target fed them once a week and added my normal supplements. I saw some growth, but the most growth was always the week after a water change(I wasn't doing them as often as I should have been). This growth was only about 1/4 of an inch. In the last month and a half, they have now grown together and the one coral is about 3-3 1/2 in long.
My mushrooms are now so full and healthy looking, I am amazed. Were the mushrooms you were talking about the ones in the pic below? That rock is for sale on an auction site right now for anyone thats interested. I have the same user id on here as my auction account if you'd like to bid on that rock.



but if i got the supplement then wouldnt getting all the others be a waste of money?

shark bait

what size tank. i have a 24 and the dose is 48 of each a week if i am right?