Kent Poly-Ox Cyano Control Sucks!!


I thought I had a small problem with Cyanobacteria in my tank. I decided to use the Kent Poly-Ox, Cyanobacteria Control as I had seen friends use Chemi Clean with great success. But it was not the same. I bought Poly-Ox and used it that night as recommended, and by the a.m. I noticed a significant increase in the amount of cyno in the tank. I was alarmed but I decided to continue with the treatment as per the directions. I started treatment over a week ago and now the cyno is out of control. I literally had 3 to 4 dime sized splotches of cyno that have come and gone for several months. I was able to vacuum or blow the cyno off, and it would not reappear for a few days. Now however the cyno is everywhere. I am so pissed. I juse want to say Poly-Ox SUCKS. I’m going to get Chemi Clean this evening and give that a shot.


Staff member
Don't use any more chemicals. What lighting do you have and when is the last time that you changed out your lamps?
Do you have corals?
Take a look at the Archieves for the Thread there on cyano.


Active Member
Your are treating the symptom but ignoring the disease. Causes of cyano are old lighting, poor water quality, nutrients, or poor water movement. Identify the cause(s) and imporve/eliminate and the symptom will go away.
Treaingt the symptom while ignoring the disease (cause) and the symptom will return .


Thanks for the input. I checked all my water parameters and I can’t find any thing wrong with water quality. All levels are 0ppm. My light is less than a year old. I would say I have a heavy bio load but I feel my filtration is in good shape. Like I said it really was not a problem when it was localized to a few small spots. Then I used the Poly-Ox. Im not sure what it did but it F’ed something up for sure. I add the Chemi Clean at lunch yesterday and by this a.m. there is a noticeable difference. I’m not realy complaining about the cyno problem I had, I just hate the fact that a product that is sold to help and in the end it just F’ed me. I could have lived with the small amount of cyno, but Poly-Ox looked cheep so I figured why not just wipe it out.
P.S. Heres a shot..Thanks for your input
