KENT Pro-Clear?


Anyone ever use the product? I just purchased some and i havent seen any improvment in my cloudy water. Also I was wondering how ofter in should use Kent Kalkwasser. Kent says make enuff to last a week. I made a dripper setup with a 1/2 gal tub. I have a 20gal tall tank with 20lbs lr and 20lbs of ls 2 small corals. PS. How do i know how my corals are doing? They seem to be ok. Small ones. Id list them but honestly i dont know what i have. One i do know is Button Polyps. The other looks like a pinkish mushroom with hairlooking things covering the top only, not the base. the polyps seem to be opening and closing. Any tips? Water tests show fine.


i used it once after i added some bacteria to my tank, but the end result was about the same as chnging the filter carbon. imho, not worth the money. your water will clear on its own.