Kenya Not opening up.


I have a Kenya that for some reason is not opening up. He is about 3 weeks old and was fine yesterday. My water parameters are the same as yesterday. Has anyone had this problem before?
And what do they do if they die? :happyfish


the disapear if they die kenyas are like most leathers though and close up occasionally to clense themselves off. Mine close up for an entire day about once a week or so so far its normal.


Can you post a pic of your kenya? I have what people have told me is a kenya but it does not look like any of the kenya I have seen in pictures...


Yours looks great. You know how they look during the moonlight hours? Thats mine all the time.There was a LFS that had a big sale and I bought the Kenya and 2 zoo's . Well, just one of the zoo's are doing well. Last time I will buy from that joint.


zoos sometimes die back for some reason I have had some in my tank for about 4 months and were doing great and are slowly disapearing and there is nothing going after them. I have had this happen to several sets over the years all the while other colonoies are doing great.
I didnt know that they look up at night these are on the right side of my tank so they look to the halides during the day time.


Your parameters are the same as yesterday, but what are they????????????
What fish do you have in that tank???


Active Member
My Kenya will also do the same thing. About once every 2 weeks or so it will spend 1-2 days looking like it is all shriveled up and dried out. Then it perks back up, usually a little bigger than before. Mine has already dropped about 4 buds in my tank so I think I am going to have to start weeding soon!!


Looking good today! Its starting to open back up! Maybe it was feeling a little under the weather...LOL :cheer:
My Parameters:
PH 8.2
Alk. 2.8
CA 450
NO3 5.0
PO4 0.1
Gravity 1.024
NH3 0.0
Temp 77'
NO2 0.0
Fish: 2 clowns and a Sixline