Kenya Tree fell between two rocks!!! Need help.


My Kenya Tree just got blown between two rocks and from what I see there is branches on the ground behind the rocks. I just got it three days ago , is this to soon for it to be doing that? Is it dying? The majority of it is stuck between two rocks is that going to hurt the coral and how would I go about moving it if I should try? I heard I shouldnt touch the fleshy part of the coral but if I were to try to move it that would be the only thing I would get to grab it by. Please help.


Active Member
Kenya are very durable. If you can snake your hand down and grab it, it will be fine. You wont harm it by touching it, Just be gentle and no worries. Move it if you like or let it grow and take root where it is. They grow very quickly


Now with the other leathers I got, Yellow Fiji, Colt, and Toadstool, which one would it be best near. I dont want it to kill anything and I dont want there to be any chemical warfare going on to harm anything else. Would it be fine between the rocks or do you think it would be better placed somewhere else?


Active Member
Just get it out of there and put it where you want it. Is it on a rock. A good trick to get small rocks to stay in place is to get some ridged airline tube and epoxy (reef safe) it to the bottom of the rock. Then stick it in a hole. Whammo you can now put a small frag in a slew of places without the fear of it getting knocked over.
Hey just one thing. Let the epoxy cure for 23 hours before you try to use the tube for support.
I say 23 because I can never wait the full 24!


Active Member
none of those species really have what is commonly referred to as "sleeper" tenticles. So as long as not touching they should be just fine. Sleepers are more commonly an issue in things like Galaxia's, some Goni's, Alve's and so on. Most softs and leathers dont use them so just give a buffer zone of a few inches of thier fully expanded size and I am sure everything will be fine.


Thanks I have them about 6 inches apart and have the yellow fiji and the toadstool on opposite sides of the tank as someone reccomended. As for the colt I heard they were pretty aggressive and I know they get quite big it is going to be a problem?