kenya tree - sand or rock?


Active Member
where wuld a kenya tree prefer? on the sand or on a flat piece of rock? i'm getting one possibly today but wasn't sure where it would refer to be.


Active Member
i'd put him on the rock and ok flow. it depends on ur light. they like medium light. mh, of course low. anything less than t-5, middle of the tank. if ur tank is not that deep, bottom w ok flow is fine too.


Active Member
i have it half way up my rock wall in a 90gal with pc's. monster is dropping branches all the time. i let them settle and pickup sand on the bottom before attaching to rock


Active Member
I have one about halfway up on the rock in my 75 with 6x54 watts of T5. The thing is about 10 times the size it was when I got it and drops branches about once a week. The branches grow where they land, whether on rock or sand, so I really dont think it matters too much where you place it as long as the lighting and flow is good.


Active Member
good, cause i just have flaurescent, ior however you spell it, lighting in there for now. thats where they are until i get pc lighting for my reef tank i'm working on. i just got the trees today, two little frags about an inch big. cute little thigns!


Active Member
Agree with renogaw. I was given a small frag at a swap once, put it in a 240 I maintain for someone, and now they are everywhere. High up, low down, everywhere. Almost as bad as the pulsing zenia taking the tank over. Don't think they need any special care.