Kerry concedes...



Heard that a little bit ago...coming from a Kerry voter this year, I think he did the right thing. No reason to drag this thing out for another month. Obviously the country thought Bush was the right man for the job. A big thumbup to both candidates. It was a very interesting election.
But I wonder how long it will take until the extreme left claims Bush stole another election. :rolleyes:


I agree, I am also a Kerry voter and am glad he didn't drag it out like Gore did in 2000.

bang guy

I'll have to take back some of my thoughts about Kerry. I really didn't think he cared about the country, apparently he does or he would have done a "Gore".


Active Member
I don't think he really cares about the country. I think he just realized the insurmountable lead Bush had and how much he would have looked like an

if he didn't concede. Once was bad enough for the dems.


i dont think he cares about the country either...he just realized that all the provisonal ballots still aren't enough to win Ohio. He figures why waste his precious time on it.


Active Member
kerry voter here. im not a fan of bush nor am i a kerry fan but we have seen what bush has done so i figured it was time for a change. but i guess we will not see any thing new



Originally posted by nicky1.8t
kerry voter here. im not a fan of bush nor am i a kerry fan but we have seen what bush has done so i figured it was time for a change. but i guess we will not see any thing new

Sure we will! For better or worse, he knows he doesn't have to worry about another election. The GOP owns both the house and senate, giving all of their bills clear sailing for now.
I expect to see a world of difference these four years, again for better or worse, it will be an interesting 4 years.


Active Member
As Governor of Texas Bush had an excellent record of working with the other side. D C don't work the same way. If the Dems want to be met half way they are going to have to move to the center as well. Dachle being gone might help.



Originally posted by reefraff
As Governor of Texas Bush had an excellent record of working with the other side. D C don't work the same way. If the Dems want to be met half way they are going to have to move to the center as well. Dachle being gone might help.

Bush would have to get himself somewhere even close to the center for that to work. I agree, but don't think it will happen.
I should also point out that Texas democrats are a little different than democrats in general.