Keyhole angelfish PROBLEMS ... Help !!



I purchased a keyhole angelfish on Jan 10. About 3 days later he developed several white spots that looked like TINY grains of salt ( I presume Ich). I began treating the next day with Rid-Ich. A sidenote, the day after I got him, my nitrite levels were high (roughly 50 ppl). Since then I did a water change and that brought them down.
-- FYI, no I do not have a quarentine tank. No, I do not have any live rock, my tank has been set up for 9 months. I have two blue damsels and a snowflake eel. --
I noticed that with the medication (being applied at night), the spots would dissappear in the morning and reappear elsewhere by the next night.
Two days ago, I thought that it seemed like his eyes were getting cloudy. I did a 10% water change and added more medicine that night. Also, he has been eating fine this whole time. Today, I noticed that the front portion from his side fins to his mouth are more brownish than black. Also his lips are very light, which may make them look bigger or they are swollen. Tonight, when I fed him, his eyes were so cloudy that he couldn't see the food. In addition, it appears that they are beginning to bulge.
My question is this, I've read that the cloudy eyes can be an indication of both ich and also poor water conditions. Should I continue to treat with Rid Ich, or should I get some Maracyn2 and begin applying that, or do both??
Advise would greatly be appreciated.


Another question: Can a snowflake eel handle hyposalinity?


Staff member
mlandrigan, take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum and look at the post on hyposalinity and ich. The treatment you need to use is hyposalinity. If your tank is strickly FO, then you should be able to perform this procedure in your tank.


Beth, I have already read all the FAQ's about this. I have a fish only tank as I mentioned in my first post (2 damselfish, a snowflake eel, and the keyhole tang).
I am working on lowering the salinity at this time, but I didn't know if the eel could safely handle this lowered salinity.
Also, is the decrease in color on the front half of the fish a result of the ich and do you think that if the salinity is sufficiently lowered, then this will clear up and also clear up his eyes. He now has popeye. Do you think I should use some maracyn-2 to help also? What do you think about continuing the Rid-Ich treatment?
Thanks for the help!


Staff member
Matt, the eel should do fine in hypo, but eels do not tolerate copper to well.
The paleness could just mean that fish are sick, obviously when any animal is sick they loose color, including humans. Is that all it is, loss of color?


Beth, I'm not using any copper. Yes, the color is the only thing wrong with the angel excepting the cloudy and popped out eyes. Thanks.