KH and effects on LPS?


I tested my KH levels this morning. Normally when the KH is in the 196.9 ppm range some of my LPS don't open up(Trachy's especially). But when the KH is in the 161.1-179ppm range they seem to respond better. I sometimes let it go to the 196.9ppm range to accommodate my SPS corals. Has anyone else experienced this? And do the SPS corals really need higher KH levels??
Thanks! -J


Active Member
sps really need the higher KH... the lps will get used to it if you give them time. I am keeping my 15gallon sps dominated tank at 14dKH=5meq/L (up from 12dKH) and my lps and rics on the bottom are ok with it.


Thanks! I'm trying to find out if a high KH will have an effect on my LPS (Trachy especially). He's been acting funny the past couple of days.
Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
sps really need the higher KH... the lps will get used to it if you give them time. I am keeping my 15gallon sps dominated tank at 14dKH=5meq/L (up from 12dKH) and my lps and rics on the bottom are ok with it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jbird0420
Thanks! I'm trying to find out if a high KH will have an effect on my LPS (Trachy especially). He's been acting funny the past couple of days.
Make sure calcium, mag, and Kh are all up and you'll be fine. pH needs to stay 8.3-8.4 though so make sure if you're using kalk or whatever to maintain levels that pH isn't spiking.


Calcium is at 420ppm and KH 179-196 ppm. Don't have a mag test kit. But I will get one. I use C-Balance 2 part solution and drip kalk every other day. So far have not seen a spike or drop in calcium or KH. I will keep you posted!

Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
Make sure calcium, mag, and Kh are all up and you'll be fine. pH needs to stay 8.3-8.4 though so make sure if you're using kalk or whatever to maintain levels that pH isn't spiking.


Ph is 8.3
Originally Posted by Jbird0420
Calcium is at 420ppm and KH 179-196 ppm. Don't have a mag test kit. But I will get one. I use C-Balance 2 part solution and drip kalk every other day. So far have not seen a spike or drop in calcium or KH. I will keep you posted!


Active Member
good deal on that pH... I like keeping my calcium pretty high, but results may vary.. mine is typically 480. I think you'll be fine... just make the LPS tough it out.. lol.. they're way more adaptable than sps.


Active Member
check him for parasites.. or any shrimp/fish that could be pestering him. Have you checked him after the lights go out??


I did see a small Bristle Worm on his outer layer this morning. As soon as I shined the flashlight on him, he retracted back into a piece of LR. Other than that, during the day and night as much as I can see, nothing else bothering him. That's why I cover him during feeding to prevent the scavengers from taking his food. In the past I have seen my peppermint shrimp digging into his mouth to get his food.