KH question


Active Member
no i dont feel its critical my reef runs at 8-9 and i have had it as low as 7's i dont think its guna harm anything but i would try to raise it back up key things is stability
sps might be affected more by a low alk that other corals
people will say 10-12 but i dont think thats what it needs to be when natural saltwater is at 7-8 dkh y run it higher
i hear colors pop better on sps at higher alk but who knows


Active Member
Whats the best way to bump it up? I dont really like to add too many chemicals. The only buffer i have is Aragamilk. Never used it. Had it for like a year. I dose purple up every day and essential elements once a week. Everything else is pretty good...
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10
ph - 8.4(tested just after lights out)
temp - 80
sg - 1.025
phos - 0
ca - 430
mg - 1350
dkh - 7.7


Active Member
hummm i used to dose B-ionic thats how i did it but now i use my calcium reactor so i dont worry about it
i dont know what would be the best way to bumb it up
maybe someone else can chimb in but do it slowly u dont want it to jump too high too fast


Active Member
B-ionic and salifert test kit. That’s what I have and use and my KH/ALK are right in range as to "natural sea water"