kick ich killed my cleaner shrimp???


New Member
i began treating my tank for ich 4 days ago, i am using a product called kick ich, its supposed to be "reef and live rock safe", but today i found cleaner shrimp, DEAD!!!! i havnt seen him since i started treating the tank and today i found his body in a cave, it looks like its been decomposing for a little big, no antennai or head/eyes, it is however meaty and definatly not his molted shell.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WuGambino
i began treating my tank for ich 4 days ago, i am using a product called kick ich, its supposed to be "reef and live rock safe", but today i found cleaner shrimp, DEAD!!!! i havnt seen him since i started treating the tank and today i found his body in a cave, it looks like its been decomposing for a little big, no antennai or head/eyes, it is however meaty and definatly not his molted shell.
Sometimes shrimp are really sensitive to any changes that happen w/in the aquarium. At lfs, we can't keep them alive. Our shrimps have been through alot and have survived. Don't really know what to tell you :notsure:

Water peramiters??


Active Member
Originally Posted by WuGambino
pH: 8.2
Ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
I'm sorry for your loss i love my cleaner shrimp. But like i said, i think shrimps are pretty sensitive to any drastic changes that happen. Also, i have heard that kick ich doesn't really work?? I haven't had any personal experience w/ it tho


New Member
Originally Posted by seannmelly
I'm sorry for your loss i love my cleaner shrimp. But like i said, i think shrimps are pretty sensitive to any drastic changes that happen. Also, i have heard that kick ich doesn't really work?? I haven't had any personal experience w/ it tho
I have also heard reports about kick ich not working. It seems to be about 50/50 with treating ich. if it doesnt work i'll probly do hypo in Q-tank. Anyway, thanks a bunch for your help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WuGambino
I have also heard reports about kick ich not working. It seems to be about 50/50 with treating ich. if it doesnt work i'll probly do hypo in Q-tank. Anyway, thanks a bunch for your help.
No problem. Your cleaner shrimp (when he was alive) didn't pick the ich off your fish?? I have 2 cleaners and when i had an imperator, he used to go riding on him to pick at him!! my shrimp go crazy when a fish wants them to clean him!!!
Even though it may have claimed to be LR/reef safe.....I would read the contents and see if there is ANY copper or copper-based ingredients. Copper is an invert killer and will destroy a reef tank.
Is the maker of your Kick Ich...Ruby Reef??? They do claim that their medication is invert, reef safe. Are you sure you added the correct dosage??


Active Member
unfortunately their is no 100% effective medication that can used in a reef tank .cleaner shrimp are also more sensietive to this because they live on the paresites for food. a paresite free tank is a death trap for cleaner shrimps and cleaner wrasses.if the medication didnt kill them starvation would have.but i am sorry for your loss


Kick Ich, is a snake oil. AKA it does not work, no product does...they only thing that will cure ich PROVEN is hypo and copper based products. Enough said there...I dont suggest either...90% of fish can fight ich or parasites like need to A: figure out what is causing ich, poor water quality,stress, another fish...and remove it and B: give him time to heal.
also make sure you QT everything before it comes in, in the future.
just make sure your water quality stays where it should.
I've found running UV's on REEF tanks is a good idea...i've had mine on my reef now for 2 years...never had a parasite problem....most reef fish....aren't as hardy as aggressive fish...some hate them...some love them...
I would get a UV for the tank myself.
take care


I have used Kick Ich and it did not affect my cleaner shrimp at all. Did you dose properly? Is it possible that something else killed it?
Shrimp need iodine to molt. Is it possible that iodine was low? Could another nutrient be responsible?
Previous advice is correct: Fix water parameters. Remove the source of stress. I don't believe Kick Ich will remove all ich from your tank, but I believe it helps get teh fish back to good health. Sometimes one course of treatment is not enough. Also I think if the source of stress is still there Kick Ich will be ineffective.
As for copper and hyposalinity, I understand they are not 100% effective either. And just for the record, trace amounts of copper are found in natural seawater. But if you measure any amount with a test kit I am sure that is too much and will kill some life forms.
Just my 2 cents.