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Our daughter Aria is 6 years old. She has watched many movies, such as all the Lord of the Ring series(3 yrs old, cheered for the good guys and shouted "look out for the Orcs!!!"...all the Jurrasic Park series...(5-6 years old, we still have serveral different species of dinosaurs thundering around the house)
And tonight she asked permission to watch "Alien".
I looked at Brian...he shrugs...
"If you really want to Aria, but it's very scary..."
"I know..I know..blah blah blah..."
So I gave the okay and we all curl up on the couch....
We get to the part where they wake up one the ship....
Aria says: Where are the aliens??? I thought you said this movie was scary....
We keep watching....
She thought the pod attacking was cool...then she thought it was really cool when they were disecting the Alien. After the alien explodes out of the guy's stomach...she say's " oooooooh whata cute little alien....aaaaaahhh....goo goo...
She thought it was even cooler when the Alien started eating every body..."serves them right, she said, all the people have beent rying to do from the start is kill it!!!! I'd be angry too!!"
The only character she was worried about was the cat.
After Ripley escapes from the mother ship Aria got all worried...what happened to the alien????
---ahhhh here we go both of us thought...this is the scariest part when you discover the Alien is in the escape pod!!!!
When Ripley discovers the stow away and wakes the Alien up....the creature yawns....
Aria~that wasn't nice...the Alien was taking a nap and Ripley woke him up!!!!
At the end of the movie when the Alien got shot out the air shaft...Aria started crying...
It's okay we both said...Ripley's okay...
Aria~but the poor Alien isn't- he died
all the Alien wanted was food and a place to sleep..he was probably scared of the humans..
Brian and I start laughing...
Aria~what?well....it wasn't the Alien's fault...she giggles...
We go up and tucked her in bed...as i gave her a hug she giggles and gives me a big frowny face and says poooooor little Alien...
That's our girl
And tonight she asked permission to watch "Alien".

I looked at Brian...he shrugs...
"If you really want to Aria, but it's very scary..."
"I know..I know..blah blah blah..."
So I gave the okay and we all curl up on the couch....
We get to the part where they wake up one the ship....
Aria says: Where are the aliens??? I thought you said this movie was scary....
We keep watching....
She thought the pod attacking was cool...then she thought it was really cool when they were disecting the Alien. After the alien explodes out of the guy's stomach...she say's " oooooooh whata cute little alien....aaaaaahhh....goo goo...
She thought it was even cooler when the Alien started eating every body..."serves them right, she said, all the people have beent rying to do from the start is kill it!!!! I'd be angry too!!"
The only character she was worried about was the cat.
After Ripley escapes from the mother ship Aria got all worried...what happened to the alien????
---ahhhh here we go both of us thought...this is the scariest part when you discover the Alien is in the escape pod!!!!
When Ripley discovers the stow away and wakes the Alien up....the creature yawns....
Aria~that wasn't nice...the Alien was taking a nap and Ripley woke him up!!!!
At the end of the movie when the Alien got shot out the air shaft...Aria started crying...
It's okay we both said...Ripley's okay...
Aria~but the poor Alien isn't- he died

Brian and I start laughing...
Aria~what?well....it wasn't the Alien's fault...she giggles...
We go up and tucked her in bed...as i gave her a hug she giggles and gives me a big frowny face and says poooooor little Alien...
That's our girl