Killed my anemone?


New Member
My bubble tip anemone has been doing wonderful for 4 months. During these months, my tank has had it's problems and the anemone lived through it all! At one point the water looked like pea soup, I did a 90% water change, etc. and the it lived through all of this. Finally, the tank is under control and it's been great for a couple of months... all tests are fine. The anemone has grown huge!! But tonight when I put in the calcium (B-Ionic), he shriveled up to the size of dime. I have been using the calcium at least 4 times a week for a couple of months. The anemone has been doing wonderful, growing like a weed. I can't understand when tonight I put the calcium in he completely shriveled up and all mucus came out. He looks totally dead and has been this way for hours. Does anyone know what could have happened?


What were your readings before the anemone shriveled up and how much of the calcium B-ionic did you use?
Did you pour it slowly into the jet stream of a powerhead or just dump it in?
Did the anemone get washed with the calcium directly?