killer anemone


New Member
I recently got a new long tenacle purple tip anemone, the first couple of days were fine and than it ate a clown fish, a week later it at a rather good size cardinal fish. I put it in an isolation tank container and have it in the same tank. It never moved around in the tank once it found a spot so I don't think it minds the spot. I opened the isolation tank to remove waste and to feed it fresh food, it seems to be doing fine. Any ideas, advice or info? I'm not sure what else to do.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by gaelsbee http:///t/394648/killer-anemone#post_3512626
I recently got a new long tenacle purple tip anemone, the first couple of days were fine and than it ate a clown fish, a week later it at a rather good size cardinal fish. I put it in an isolation tank container and have it in the same tank. It never moved around in the tank once it found a spot so I don't think it minds the spot. I opened the isolation tank to remove waste and to feed it fresh food, it seems to be doing fine. Any ideas, advice or info? I'm not sure what else to do.
All anemones are fish eaters, that's what they do...sit in one spot, and wait for something dumb enough to get too close. In a fish tank there isn't much room to get around it. The long tentacle doesn't need the bright lights, it's nocturnal. I had one reach the size of a dinner they get huge.
I had to get rid of my beautiful fish eater, the fish I had for a long time were fine, they knew to stay clear of it, but all new fish were just eaten within one day. Once I had purchased a copper butterfly fish, and after a long quarantine...I finally put it in the DT. It was too large for the anemone to eat, so that one it just stung to death then released it. The poor fish had it's eyes bulging and lines of red welts on it...that was it's last victim, I had enough after that.
The critter is fine in a separate tank...but what good is it? Give it away to some unsuspecting person, or return it to the LFS. Cover all power heads...they do get tangled up in them. Anemones are beautiful.... but IMO, not worth the hassle to try and keep them.