killer anenome?


New Member
Hi all,
I recently added a tomato clown and his anenome. A couple days later my cleaner wrasse disappeared, then yesterday I saw the clown bite the tail of of a 2in blue damsel and haven't found him since. Today I picked up all the rocks and couldn't find either fish. Could he be eating them or feeding him to the anemome? Thanks for any help.


Very possible, in fact, likely! Some clowns (in their eagerness to please their host anemone)will aggressively seek out food for their "buddy." I witnessed a big clarkii grab a beautiful cleaner shrimp and feed it to his carpet anemone practically before the shrimp even left the bag from which it was being poured! My friend screamed in horror and practically wrecked his tank trying to (unsuccessfully) save his shrimp!