killer anenome


mr hanky

how many people have lost clowns to their anenome???? i had a pair of gold stripes that hosted the anenome,for about 2 days then the little clown disappeared.????? the bigger of the two is still hosting it. is this common? ive had a few anenomes over the time ive had reef tanks and never had one eat a clown.thanks in advance. mr hanky.

mr hanky

unless my tangs or my chromis could eat em, i suppose it could have been my brittle star (almost 15" across). but it happened while the lights were on, the star dosnt usually come out during the day. its a purple tip sebae.


If you had a large carpet, I would think it would be entirely possible, but with a sebae, I really doubt it. I would look for something else. Possibly it died back in the lr, and the crabs or brittle ate him.