Killer Clowns?!?!?


New Member
It looks like my clowns have become a mated pair. I have seen several batches of eggs within the months. Are the clowns too protective of their eggs and killing/fighing to keep predators away? I am missing some green chromis and emerald crabs. Also had a star fish but as the week went on, he started losing limbs. Haven't seen him in a while and hoping for the best but fearing the worst. Suggestions?
55 reef
2 perc clowns
1 blue damsel
1 jawfish
1 serpent star


Active Member
I would check really good for the chromis' trying to carpet surf first, if not then MAYBE the clowns could have got 'em then everything else in the tank cleaned up what was left. The emerald crabs, I doubt it. How big are your clowns & serpent star? I have heard of serpent stars eating fish.


New Member
I've checked for the chromis but no luck. Serpents eat starfish - thought the serpents were peaceful. The star would be missing more and more of his legs everyday. Its got 5 stumps for legs now but haven't seen him in a while. Would the serpents mess with the emeralds?
BTW - never really had a reason to post before, got all of my answers reading previous posts. Thanks for the welcome.


Active Member
well this one is a toughy but not uncommon.emeralds will eat small fish if the chance accures to catch it.also so will your serpant star.emeralds will also bite at the stars .its very pos for serpants to eat fish and crabs also.realy a toss up with the gulity culprate.


Maybe your star tried to get cosy with your clowns eggs on more than one ocasion and your clowns retaliated? Unleashed, awsome avatar dude!! Did you get it off a site?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lamaface
Maybe your star tried to get cosy with your clowns eggs on more than one ocasion and your clowns retaliated? Unleashed, awsome avatar dude!! Did you get it off a site?
yes its of a site ai found yrs ago and its dudette :hilarious :cheer: