Killer Crab or Starfish


My friends have an Arrow Crab and a Red Serpent star in the tank and are losing snails and recently a Goby, they think it's the Starfish, I think it's the Arrow crab, anyone have a problem like this?


Probably the arrow crab. They will attack and kill small slow moving fishes like gobies. The snails are probably dieing from bad water quality. I would tell your friend to watch the arrow crab. If it was the starfish you would see a huge differince it would look like a gobie was living inside him.


Star Fish usually kill snails and gobies. Exspecially the red brittle stars they have a taste for goby's. Like the maderine Goby. I would tell your friend to kill the star fish.


Telling anyone to kill any creature in their tank simply because it is not wanted is not good advice. There are plenty of people out there who would take specimens that are no longer wanted for one reason or another. Even the notorious mantis shrimp is a prize specimen in a species tank. Please don't kill anything simply because you don't want it in your tank anymore.


It no doubt is the arrow crab. I have one in my 30 along with a m.goby. My crab is not aggressive and has left everyone alone. I make sure he DOES get a small piece of squid each day though.
Along w/him in my 30:
1 Royal Gramma
1 Perc/w/aneome
1 Yellow Tail damsel
1 Bagg. Cardnal
1 M. Goby
1 Firefish
a good bit of snails and hermits
2 serpant stars
2 emerald crabs
a good bit of coral (actually, a bunch)


Thanks for the opinions, but it seems to be a toss up. I will get my Starfish back into my tank tonight and we'll see what happens.
I wouldn't kill any of the creatures in my tank, the guys first post and he's recommending to kill a starfish, lol.


Active Member
Megadon, I have an arrow crab (and unless I am the exception) it touches none of my snails, fish, or anenomes. I do not have any starfish, but the question was mentioned and have seen it here before: did or has the starfish ever looked like it did eat something (bulge showing)? Not sure if a snail would make such a difference, but a fish surely would.
Also, I caught something with your posts: Is it your tank or your friends? If it is yours, we (the BB) wouldnt bash you for this.
Is the starfish in a QT? since you said you were going to put back into your tank and see what happens? If so, has anything else been missing since the starfish has been out? Something to consider. Maybe add the starfish back in and then take out the arrow crab and see what happens (hopefully no loses). HTH


The Starfish was in my buddies tank, they were holding it for me after a minor Nitrate deal (which has been settled), I got the starfish back last night and it now lives with what I have listed below. They have the Arrow crab. The Starfish has a leg ripped off and a prett good tear in the disc, I think abuse suffered by the Arrow, do you think he will heal or is he on his way out?


Active Member
Got it, they want to blame your starfish and vise versa. Like I said I do not have a starfish but I believe with the leg issue the starfish regenerate, so therefore the leg would come back. But as for the tear in the disc not sure if that will heal of not without external help (ie QT and meds). And I am not sure if it was yours or theirs that killed the snails and goby. My (i am saying mine) doesnt touch anything as of right now. Another thought though, What is your friends para.? could that be off and that caused the die off? just a thought, I really dont know much about starfish so maybe some one can step in here, and by all means do and correct me if I am wrong.