Killer Kenya Tree???



I recently got some frags at a swap, and they all did well at first. Then I moved the Kenya Tree to better light and the next day the Galaxia was all closed up and hasn't really opened since, about 5 days. I then moved the Kenya Tree to another spot and now, several days later, my clove polyps which were doing great, are all closed tight. Did full tests last night,
Ph - 8.2
Alk - 2.5
Am - 0
no2 - 0
no3 - 2.5
PO4 - .2
CA - 400
In both cases the Kenya Tree is about 5" from the affected corals, is that close enough for it to harm them? I read that they are aggressive, but I am new to them.
Please help!


Why don't you move this post to the reef tanks'll probably get more responses. This forum is more for coral trading...


Kenya trees spread fast but are pretty mellow as far as stinging other corals. I think they call them aggressive because they multiply and grow very fast. The tree may just be shadowing the other corals from the light. Try and find a spot where it cant shade the other corals and see how it does.