killer peppermint shrimp

james brown

New Member
why do my peppermint shrimp eat my inverts? I believe they ate my starfish and I caught them eating my cucumber. has anyone had a problem with peppermint shrimp?


Active Member
I've never heard of them eating anything like that, but they do sometimes eat yellow polyps, button polyps, feather dusters, sea mat, and simular creatures.


My LFS says a lot of folks mistake camelback shrimp for peppermints. Camelbacks he says can be reef hazards. Don't know how true this is. I hope it is, i have 10 peppermints :(


My LFS guy (someone who I know and have trusted for years) sold me a couple of camelbacks knowing full well that I was setting up a reef tank. Those two were out of there within a week and he still hasn't heard the last of it.
For some reason, I have seen several shrimp in several stores that on first glance appear to be peppermints, but after a closer look aren't. Unfortunately, a lot of those are being sold as peppermints. I don't know what they are, but they seem a lot more aggressive in the tanks that they are in.
The peppermints that I have had have never bothered anything and are generally docile until the lights go off. Even then, they crawl and swim around on the rocks, never on the corals or polyps.


Peppermints, and far as I know "can" eat inverts, but normally dont(not that ANYTHING is normal in this hobby :)
Are you sure that they themselves have enough to eat?? I feed my guys twice a week, some freeze dried Krill or shrimp. ir fresh..Just little tiny pieces..and they will all come to feed now..Even my sally lightfoot..which are usually VERY skiddish..
As a matter of fact, my cleaner shrimp (Skunk) runs up and down my arm, and has to be fed first, or he'll go and grab it away from who ever is first, if its not him..
Maybe you might want to try giving the shrimp alittle xtra, (crabs too)2 times a week...
And get a book or go online and look at your shrimp, as oppose to Camelback, if its Camelback...I would return them..
Just a thought
~Susie ;)