Killer Power head chewed up my anemone


Which isn't all in all a bad thing because I was trying to get rid of it anyway, but it chewed him up pretty good, and now I'm afraid I'll get an ammonia spike. I got out all of the pieces of him that I could...but does anyone know what I should expect? I don't think he was dead very long when I found him this morning. He was through the powerhead, and still stuck in the rock, and pulled the powerhead off of the back wall. That sucker was not letting go!!! I got all of him out of the rock with tweezers. Advice?


Active Member
Hi ntvflgirl !!
I'm sure you're already testing for ammonia - that would be wise.
Getting all the bits and pieces out was a good idea too.
I would keep testing the water, and if you notice anything out of ordinary - start a series of partial water changes.
Maybe use some good activated carbon for a week or less.
Other than that - I can't offer much else.
See ya ;)


Can anyone confirm Matti's statement? It was a purple Florida condy. Everything seems to look fine, actually. I'm surprised.


I can really confirm matti's statement! I had a carpet anenome climb into a powerhead of mine one day and got chewed up and made the tank cloudy with its guts . It did release toxins killing all my fish except for my percs! Ever since I have not had oen in my tank!


In what time period? This happened sometime yesterday morning before I got up, and everything looks happy. How long did it take? Plus, this is a condy, not a carpet.


Active Member
I really hate to admit this, but I will. Awhile back my condi got caught in the PH like yours did. I cleaned up what I could, and tested the water several times and never saw a spike in anything. I went ahead and did my monthly water change though. As for toxins being released-- if it did, nothing was affected. Tankmates were fine. And are still with me 8-9 months later. Don't get me wrong, each tank is different, but I just wanted to say I have been in your shoes and the tank survived like nothing ever happened. HTH


Active Member
yep a dead anemone releases all sorts of junk in the tank ( none of which is good) check levels- remove all of it and a waterchange wouldnt hurt


Active Member
now i know you have been trying to get that anemone out w/ no success- are you sure the powerhead wasnt put on him to start a little fire under its a$%?! just messin with ya- it you got it out early you should be ok