Killer Snowflake



I was recently ill with a bad bought with food posioning and went to my parents for a few days. Before that, I noticed my SFE was trying to catch fish in his mouth, I thought, ohh, he must be hungry, so I threw a couple shrimp. After I got back from being ill i noticed my small halequin tusk is missing. I'm guessing that fat cat eel ate him. He didn't have any health problems, probably the healthiest in the tank. My question is has any other people's SFE's eaten fish tank mates.


I dont mean to sound smug here, but eels EAT FISH! It is their diet in the wild. THEY EAT FISH. I awoke one morning to see my 2 foot long green moray with my 5 inch lionfish halfway down his throat. Expensive lesson about eels.
Comparing a SFE with a Green Moray is like comparing a clown fish to a trigger. Green morays are one of the more aggressive morays. They are a piscivore or a fish eater, and are well known for going after fish in peoples aquariums. While snow flakes are invertebrate-eaters, and tend to be a safer choice with fish. They are also one of the more passive species. But there is no way anyone can predict what may set a SFE off to chase and eat a fish. I could have been as simple as the harlequin was trying to take over the morays spot, the moray bit down and decided to go from there, who knows.
I personally with the SFE I had for a long time, he lunch a couple of my cleaner shrimp but no fish. It also can depend on the individual animal and its attitude and characteristics.
With aggressive fish, there is always a chance of someone eating someone else. It is one of the biggest risks of an aggressive tank.


Active Member
How big was the snowflake and tusk? Snowflakes have pretty small mouths, and don't have the teeth needed for grabbing and latching onto fish. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but it sounds odd. What else was in the tank? Bo


The SFE is 2 feet long. The tusk was small, probably 3 inches. There is a small lion a df puffer, and a tang. It's hard to think the SFE did it, but that's the only thing i can think of. I sure miss that little guy :(


Did you hear that A world of Fish is having a sale this weekend? Aug 2nd and 3rd really good deals on tanks I would check it out.


It is absolutely perplexing. Though I could see my SFE getting pissed about space infringement. I'm sure he was bitten in a space dispute and probably died so the SFE just ate him. He does eat silversides, why not a tusk. Just not in his nature.
Maybe Hypo is getting all their nerves so shaky that it has turned to murder.
Does anyone have any SFE stories? It's sounds too strange to be true.
Thanks Rookie, i'll check it out.