Killing Aiptasia


4 week old 120g FOWLR. I have about 100# of LR in so far and the Aiptasia is really bloomin. I'll probably go grab a Peppermint this weekend to take care of em, however if I decided to get some Joe's Juice or do the Lime Juice injection method, do I risk spiking Ammonia or overloading the bioload in this new tank by knocking off all the Aiptasia at once? Peppermint will take longer but be more efficient over time, however I may want to get a jump on it and intervene myself. Just being cautious and don't want to spike the tank with dead Aiptasia, if that's even possible.
In the tank now is
1 Yellow Coris
20 Turbos
10 Blue Leg HC's
10 Nasso Snails.


New Member
I'm pretty new at this, but I'm having the same problem with aiptasia. I have a peppermint shrimp, but these pests are growing and blooming faster than he's eating them. I don't know if this is normal, but I'll be picking up another one peppermint soon. Hopefully I'll have more luck with two. I just don't know if one is enough. We went from 4 aiptasia large enough to see to about 9 in the last two weeks and it doesn't look like my peppermint is even making a dent. Good luck.


From my experiences Joes Juice will stunt Aiptasia down to a managable size for a pepermint shrimp to come in and take care of whats left. To answer your question, you should be ok to use the juice while your tank is still cycling, just remember to turn your power heads off while you administer the juice so that water flow is to a minimum.


you can use joes juice or lime water...i used some kalkwasser used a pipette to squirt it in the mouths and wa-la no more aptasia


Do you guys let the aiptasia get large before you kill it. I have a little one growing in my tank but its not big enough to inject I think. Its probably the size of the tip of a ball point pen ( like i said small but I can see it).


Active Member
i mix a thick paste of kalkwasser, put it in a syringe, and squirt it right in the mouth. then when it retracts, i squirt a glob over the place it retracted into. it works perfect. i don't wait unit they get big. i kill em as i see em


I have one in my tank but it's not spreading. Just getting bigger.
I kinda like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have one in my tank but it's not spreading. Just getting bigger.
I kinda like it.
if i were you, i'd get rid of it. it's a major topic of conversation on many forums, over, and over, and over, because it is an invasive, fast spreading, menace to the reef.


Thanks for the advice everyone. I'll get to work on them tomorrow
One will become many in no time...When I put the rock in the new tank about 4-5 weeks ago, I really only noticed a couple. And heck, they were SOMETHING to look at while the tank was beginning to break in as I couldn't put anything in. Now, about a month later, the existing hitchhikers are huge (1-2" diamter and they have spawned offspring in the dozens probably.
Reminds me of the snails I have over-running my freshwater tank. At first, I didn't mind them because they worked on the algae a little. Then BOOM, there's 3 million of them in there getting clogged in the filter and crawling all over the tank. LFS directed me to Clown Loaches to help erradicate. I don't really want to get into chemicals because all the chemicals on the market for snail control say "safe for most fish and plants"...I'm not taking that risk with catfish and alot of live plants!!
Ramble, ramble, ramble, sorry!


Active Member
Your LFS should carry it. If not, thEbay should be able to help you out with that.
If you see it, eliminate it as soon as possible.
In a typical set up, the only good aiptasia is, well... no aiptasia.


I use a very small amount of boiling water as long as they're not close to anything that I don't want to fry. I feel that this is better than using chemicals or lime juice because I don't want to add stuff like that to my tanks and the heat from the water will dissipate, causing little or no differance in the water's over all temperature. But o
iously don't try this if one of the little pests is right next to a prizes coral of something.


Originally Posted by Mr_X
i mix a thick paste of kalkwasser, put it in a syringe, and squirt it right in the mouth. then when it retracts, i squirt a glob over the place it retracted into. it works perfect. i don't wait unit they get big. i kill em as i see em

how do i make this stuff?????


i dont know but i would assume that you just make it much stronger than it should be, kalkwasser is also known as limewater which you can use lime juice to kill it as well...


Originally Posted by vkuroczka
how do i make this stuff?????
i dont know for sure but i would assume mixing kalkwasser which is also known as limewater, way stronger than it should be. lime juice is also a method to kill it so in my head limewater = lime juice...


I saw this in another aiptasia thread could take the aiptasia out one by one and get 'em with a blowtorch/welder. Make sure you make the screaming noises!


I took your advice and squirted some Joes Juice on mine and it seems to be gone now.