kind of a repost. but question about combining tanks



Ok so I have 2 29 gallon tanks currently set up for a while now.. maybe 5 months or so.. the other maybe 3.. Im combining the 2 into a 75 reef tank w/ 2 175 watt mh lights. I posted before about the best way to do all of this.. Got just a couple responses.. I would think that doing what I am doing would be the same thing as if I were moving and i'd have to take apart the tank and put it back together again.
So I have no other way of doing this other then taking both tanks and throwing them together. I cant let this 75 cycle.. Im just taking everything from both tanks and putting them together in this one. I am hopeing that all goes well and I can miss a cycle.. and all my corals/fish live. IM SO SCARED!
anyway in my 2 29s I have a pretty shallow sand bed.. maybe 1 1/2 inches.. so in the 75 its going to be even more shallow.. so do you think I should just combine the two and leave the sand how it is so that hopefully the tank doesnt have a cycle? Or do I go buy more sand.. put it on the bottom and put the sand from the 3 month old tank on top of that.. and the sand from the 5 month old on top of that?
This is my biggest concern - this point because I have no clue what im going to do.. Im going to try to find southdown sand in the area today because its very cheap.. Do I have to rinse this or anything or is it good to go? If not im just going to get some dead sand from my LFS.. does it matter how much I add.. like as far as risking an cycle or not?


Active Member
Calm down...
It can be done, if done correctly!
What do you have for livestock?
What you will want to do is get some "Live sand" from your LFS, they should sell it in 20# bags. Make sure it has the water in the bag. There is bacteria already living in the sand (hense, LS). maybe 1 or 2 bags. Put that in the tank, and start filling it up! move LR over as you can. Move all your fish to one of your 29's, and compltly empty the water of the empty one into the 75. After all the water is over, move the sand over. Rise this tank out, and transfer the fish and water to this tank. Take all the sand from the bottom of that tank and add it to the 75. Add the rest of the water and fish, and poof! your done!


Active Member
I agree with fitz! Take your time and don't rush. The animals will be fine. You already have the correct amount of bio-filtration for your bio-laod. No worries! To cut down on the sand storm you can use a pc of 2" pvc to shuttle the sand down through the water. This will decrease the storm. Move slowly and take your time. All will be well! You can use LS or if you go with dry sand YES, you must rinse it until the rinse water runs clear. Either way you should be good!


Ok so for the extra sand what would everyone reccomend.. dead sand or live sand
My fish and everything I have are as follows
1 yellow tang
2 3-stripe damsels
1 blue damsel
1 bangaii cardnal
1 ocellaris clown
1 sand sifting star
1 brown star.. hitchiker. i forgot what someone identified it as
1 serpant starfish
1 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
2 porcelain crabs
various hermit crabs and snails
Hammer Coral
tons of zoas
purple hairy mushrooms
various other mushrooms
long tenticaled plate coral
reg orange plate coral
red/white open brian coral
star polyps
finger coral
leather coral
devils hand coral
and I believe thats about it.
I just get so nervous when it comes to moving things in my tank around.
Also I should prob bag all my corals and fish and acclimate them right? Because im combining 2 tanks w/ diff water..?


Active Member
No need to acclaimate in bags. Use as much of your old water that you can. Are the water reading that much different in the 2 29's? If you want to acclaimate just do in the holding tank with all the critters in it. But I doubt you will have a problem. Make sure you have more than enough new replacement water mixed a ready to use. No reason to be nervous! Think about it this way, your livestock has gone through much worst than you moving into a bigger tank! They have traveled thousands of miles to get to you! It will take all of your animals a while to get used to their new home but give them some time to get comfy and they will be fine!
Like I said before, you have enough bio-filtration to handle what you have so either way with dry sand or LS it will be fine. Just monitor your levels everyday and be prepared to do a water change if something happens but no worries! If you buy LS just make sure its still good, check the EXP date on the bag its there for a reason.


Active Member
Yup, completly agree!
If you get the sand with the water in the bag, dont rinse it though, as you will kill the bacteria in the sand.
Howd the cheato work out?

sinner's girl

Im just taking everything from both tanks and putting them together in this one.
my only concern is the water may be different by combining the two imo, it would be best to acclimate teh fish/inverts/coral to the 75gl, as you would if you just got them. Keep an eye on your levels and have mixed saltwater ready in case you need to do a water change. Keep the lights off in the 75gl at least for the first day.


pfits.. were you the one that send me the cheato?
I lost the persons email


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
my only concern is the water may be different by combining the two imo, it would be best to acclimate teh fish/inverts/coral to the 75gl, as you would if you just got them. Keep an eye on your levels and have mixed saltwater ready in case you need to do a water change. Keep the lights off in the 75gl at least for the first day.
I wouldn't cut off the lights completely. I find corals don't adjust to that very well. I would at least leave lights off for a couple of hours or so. :happyfish