Kinda lost on QT

I went out and bought a 10g tank setup to use as a QT.
Im painting the bottom, back and sides black.
It came with an hob filter.
cover with lights
What do i lack to get this going. I was going to place my water change water into the tank to help get it setup. suggestions?


Staff member
Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of the form. You can added a PH for additional water movement and a sponge filter that has been seeded in your main tank for a wk.
Glad to hear it when hobbyists start QTing!
What types meds should i keep on hand? Im trying to be ready for what i might need to treat fish as i get them. the main tank has nothing but inverts in it. That's going to stay like that for a month. that should make it ick free correct?


if the qt is for hypo then the only meds youll need are antibiotics. if a fish gets ill then you will need to get the antibiotic that is best for that illness. get it if you need it. it may go out of date if you dont use it.
if you plan to use copper then get some (it will keep).
but then the QT will never be copper free.
i would get some PVC pipe fitting for hiding spots.
keep asking others
this is only MO.........