Kinda OT: my first fish in 8 months!

Today I went to the local deathco, erm..... I mean *****.... and bought myself a late solctice present..... a brand new red male betta! The only down-side is that I was gonna buy a couple more fish to put in my 3-5 gal hex but the fish in the tanks were dead, dying, or sick! It was so disgusting!
I even saw a platy with a fluke!!!! I've never seen those except in books!!!!!!!:mad: It made me so mad to see all those dead fish!!! Then to top it off I went to the Wal-Mart right next door to get food and chlor-out and the livestock was despicable! I don't even wan't to talk about it!:nope: At least I have my new fish, Scar...... Oh well...... I can't really do anything about it.....
BTW I met a guy in the deathco erm... I mean *****... and he seemed to know something about fish.... you can tell a real fish-a-holic if he is just passing through town and he stops at the LFS...