Kinda Weird Q about Corals


Active Member
I didn't know how to title this thread, so bare w/ me.
I was wondering if corals get tired of staying open after certain hours of the day and close down, EVEN if the lights are all still on.?
I ask this, cuz my lights are usually on 9 hours a day, and during the final hour or so, I notice the corals start to get smaller and slowly, very slowly, close down. Is it cuz they got enough light and don't need to stay open, or what?


mine do that too, at the same time veryday, only my lether and frogspawn though, everything else is open the whole time, usualy, nothing bad happening to me.


Active Member
My personal opinoin on that is this, if your tank is on timers, the corals know when they will turn on and off. It's almost like they have a brain.:thinking: I have a lobophylia, and it feeds just before lights go out and stays like that all night.


Active Member
I have timers set, and they are used to the schedule, but a few of them start closing maybe half to one hour before lights go off.


My leather does this almost everyday, 45 mins before the MH go off. I agree that with them being on timers, they pick up the routine, and start closing up. I have heard this is common for leathers. Sometimes my zoos do it too.