king angel


Active Member
Good news, one of the hardiest angels there is...
Bad news, one of the, if not the meanest angels there are.... I once saw a 10 inch King in a display tank at a LFS back down a 10 inch Clown Trigger.
They of course need a very large tank.
You have huma huma triggerfish and a passer angelfish in a 24gal, maybe a 55!!!!! I'm pretty sure 24/55 gal is not 180/220 gal!
sorry i dont have ethir i posted the fish i was going to get for the 95 gallon i never got i was thinking of keeping one in a 24 for a year or 2


Active Member
Good thing that you didnt get the Passer angel for a 24g. It would outgrow it in the matter of months.
You were right in not buying before discussing