


I just got back on after a couple weeks of being too busy and I have learned that Kip is gone?? I know you've all hashed this over, but that thread is now I just wanted to add my .02 - KIP PLEASE COME BACK!!

You always have such great advice and we need people like you here to help us! At least consider it. :yes:
And I heard hints about NMReef. Hope you are still there too! We can't afford to lose anymore GREAT reefers!


Active Member
Enjoy the break Kip. Trust me the BS can be found on "ANY" forum *grin*.. Fish, sports, computer games or whatever, and certainly requires a break from time to time...
Thanks for your advice and help getting me started in this hobby!


Active Member
How bout this kip, simply reply to threads you see as a worthy subject, I can see getting tired of the same ol' kind of threads, it just seems crappy to have you leave due to the handful of "experienced" people and the numerious newbies that dish out less than favorable advice. If you do in fact decide to observe only could you please pass on your email address to me because there many times I seek your advice.


I hope I have not been one to contribute to the mis-information. I know I am still wet behind the ears, but I feel like I know some information well enough to help others. I do expect others to correct me if I am wrong (hopefully while being considerate). I take it as a learning process.
I sure hate to see you sit back when you can help others. However, I do know where you are comng from. I recently shut down my shark message board because of the few that were causing problems. THe one thing I truly know is our sharks native to the Gulf of Mexico. Been working with them for over 10 years and been around them most of my life in some shape or form. Any, back to the current subject, I have appreciate your knowledge that you shared in the short time I have been one the board. Please do not become a stranger.
Thanks Kip!


Active Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
, golfish (or whatever you go by these days)

My screen name has always been golfish. I just wasn't able to use it for a while (I don't know why) so I created Big Mac.
Guy's, don't worry, kip wont be gone for long


Active Member
Thank you for the kind words!! For someone to get within 300 or so threads of 10000 (a milestone reached by only 2 other members) shows your dedication to the hobby and this board. It is a shame that the actions of others have put your participation here in jeapordy. I know that you have felt the love from the rest of us here on the board over the past couple of days and I hope that you reconsider and just avoid threads with potential aggravation in the future! You (and others like you) are the reason that the hobby progresses and it would be a shame to see that progress stop! Take care and you have my respect with whatever decision you make!
Your Friend!


Glad to hear that you are still around, you have given such great advise to myself and everyone here. Hopefully you will still be there for those who need and appreciate your experience.
Once again- Thanks Kip.


kip,i am sorry that this has happen, but i do understand. i'm only two months into this board, but you were the first one to come to my aid. i just want to say thank you so very much. you are one of a handfull that i would take advise from, because you didn't blow smoke up my @#%, like one person in paticuler. anyway i hope to see you around on the board sometime. thank you, thank you, thank you,


New Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
I owe much of my "success" to this board and its valuable members, some of whom have come and gone. Broomer, Bang, NM, attml, thomas, skilos, golfish (or whatever you go by these days), roland (now gone), richard (now gone), and way too many others to name.... kip

Hey...what about SquishyFish! :yes: He just happens to be a close personal friend of mine! He said to tell everyone hello and that he still looks in occationally. He had something he wanted to ask you (Kip) but couldnt find your email. Oh well.'ll be missed.