kissing chromis?


i have 2 blue green chromis that look like they're kissing. they keep puckering up & pushing their mouths together. what r they doing?


Active Member
They are not fighting. When Chromies fight, you know it. I dont think scientist yet know why they do this. I have 5 BG chromis and they kissed alot at first but they dont do it as much now.


Active Member
In general this behavior in fish is considered to be a "sizing up" aggressive display. In schooling fish, it may be how various fish learn there "place" if you will in the heirarchy of the school - who is dominant, and who is not. Some say it may also be part of a mating display, but I am not so confident in this.
In most fish that I have seen it in - such as cichlids or grunts - it is considered an "aggressive" display.