Kitten on Crack??


Active Member
OK people...I'm about to loose my mind. We adopted a kitten 2 weeks ago 2morrow, and we absolutely love her to death.
Only thing is, she NEVER STOPS MOVING. Neither my Husband nor I have ever had a cat from kittenhood before, and we're going nuts.... is she hyperactive? Is this NORMAL??
She spends 2-3 hours RUNNING around the house...and I mean RUNNING - knocking into things, flying from one end of the room to the other, over things, under things, stepping on people, our other cat, and anything that may be in her way. Then she attacks her toys for 45 minutes...and then promptly falls asleep in the middle of a game, only to wake up an hour later to start the whole process over again.
She's got tons of toys and another cat in the house, not to mention the fact that my Husband and I are constantly playing with her - is she still being understimulated? Is she hyper b/c she doesn't have enough to do? I know kittens are energetic and playful....but this doesn't seem normal to me.

Especially since, when she's got the crazies, she's uber-jumpy and you can't pet her wirhout sending her FLYING away.

It's just weird. Anyone else with similar experience? :notsure:


Active Member
Totally normal.
Our friend's kitten used to wake them up at 3am just to "play"
He has calmed down a bit but he has a pattern of "play time" frenzies.
At about 6pm he goes Cookoo for a few hours then passes out.


Active Member
THANK you. I'm so glad to hear, u have no idea.

Anyone else have nutty kitten experiences?


Our cat gets like that during the evening. Then at 3am after her first round she likes to wake up the dog and fight/play with her. Atleast they take it to the other room and not in the bedroom. All I hear all night after that is a dog and cat going after it. It litteraly sounds like body slams. Playing that is... The dog is so gentle with her. Then when the dog is whiped out I get to hear the cats "squeaky toy" for another hour or so.


Active Member
haha, is your cat full grown? Our adult cat also gets the crazies, at least twice daily. She runs from room to room, pounces on nothing...the standard kitty crazies.... but nothing like our kitten. you just cant STOP her!
Oh... and the feet thing.... she attacks our feet at night while we're sleeping.... with claws extended and full teeth. I'm going to have to start keeping the spray bottle by the bed. ::sigh::


Active Member
hahaha, i love hearing stories like this, cats are insane, gotta love em....when i had Oriole he would absolutly fly like a rocket from window to window to look at whatever was was holarious to hear him steam up and downt eh steps to get a better view :hilarious ...whew but watch out, get him on his bad day and he has no problem jumping on you with claws, and teeth i might add...he attacked 3 people out of the 6 in my family,lol...made my leg bleeeeeeed and bleeed, literally sunk everything into my leg and i had 2 scratchs that were at least a foot long....ayy.....haha, i love cats. :joy:


Active Member
One of our Cats predicted the weather.
He would go completely nutty right before it rained.
Only before it rained.
Miss him though.
Named Trouble cause that was what he was always in!


Active Member
MIMZY! Hey, our youngest, (and most paranoid)(I might be able to find a pic l8ter) did the same thing, w/ the feet.


Our kitten is the same way. And, it's gotten worse. He sleeps while we're at work. than, once we get home, the insanity begins. I love him to death, but he's freaking nuts......


Active Member
kittens can be wild, but I do have a question, is there any chance that she was bottle raised instead of raised by her mom? Because bottle raised kittens and cats seriously have a screw loose, I raised one and I have two other friend who have done the same things and any bottle raised kitten/cat I have ever seen was off, very hyper, aggressive, psycho....


We have two female cats who are 9 months and two years old. We got the kitten when she was a few months old. The older female took to the kitten letting her suckle her. The 2yr old cat is a lover. She always needs to be patted. If you do not pat her she will nip you. The kitten is a chicken ----. she will come to you when SHE feel like it.
I work 2nd shift and My g/f works first shift. When we are trying to sleep the cats will walk all over us, chew our hair, and rub their faces across our hands when we are sleeping. They play at night time. In the morning if I either cat sleeping I make sure I wake them up because of the nightime playing. The 2yr old cat will bring us their toys at night time and both of them will play with them on the bed.
I would never trade them in. It is to funny.


Active Member
LoL, great stories all!
Birdy, actually our kitten, Lilly, was caught by a woman who volunteers for a local cat adoption agency. Lilly was born to a ferral mother and was raised by her for the first 8-9 weeks of her life.
...guess that means ALL cats are just nuts :thinking:


Yes our cat is 6 years old. She is so hillarious. I have to be careful leaving the sock drawer closed because she will scatter all my socks throughout the house playing with them. When she gets all hyper and stuff she will jump up on the back of the couch acting like she is fixing to attack something and then GROWL. LOL man is funny...


Active Member
My poor kids seem to be my cat's targets!!
Ok my kids are tortured by the pets!! Dog knocks them down!! Cat waits on the couch for one to walk by and then.....she strikes....we call it the Drive By!!!!
She hunts my oldest and chases her through out the house. My daughter is a huge toy to her


LOL my cat does that to. She likes to hide in a box and when you walk by she sticks her arm through the hand hole on the box and claws you.


Active Member
My friend's kitten used to sleep on top of his forehead at night. He used to wake up and the cat would be perched on his head liek a parrot.


2:00am it's fight time!
2 month old kitten adopted from *****...(this was 6 years ago) she would jump on the bed and attack either a leg or arm, whichever was not covered...she would use all claws and bite!
So after living in fear of sleeping for about 3 months...we didn't catch a cold since we are always covered...we gave her away to a friend who owned a farm...


Hi, i have a kitten, going on 20 weeks old. Its a complete terror! but friday is his BIG DAY, snip snip...and He's gonna be an it.
I have had problems with him getting into the garbage, plants, jumping at the fish in the fish tank, so this is what i have done,
he watches the tank almost as mush as i do, and behaves too!