knowledgeable advice needed!!!!


hey SWF wat up!!!
i currently have a 24g nano (attached pic) and have had it for about 4-5 months. i will be moving soon (a yearish) and am already planning a setup in my new place!!! i am looking to upgrade my tank size but dont know how big...looking at a 40ish gallon.
i want to set this thing up right and want to start doing some research. i want to learn EVERYTHING!!! how much lighting, how much flow, how big a refugium, the best way to manage waterchanges etc.
i was wondering if you guys had any good websites, books, or videos to buy/look into to start compiling all my information so i am ready when the time comes.
i have learned a lot since i recently entered into the hobby but i want to learn everything haha if thats possible
thx for the help!!!


Active Member
what kind of tank where u planning on doing? fish only? reef? coral?...
i dont have much advice to give your but if i was u i would get a tank thats a little bigger like around a 55gal. cause most light fixtures are easy to find for a 55 gal tank. and you would have some more choices for fish.
good luck


i was thinking reef...i want corals, fish, and an anemone or 2.
i like the bigger wavy corals like torches and frogspawns. i have a mandarin and would like to try breeding clowns.
the 55g is god advice thx ill look into it!!


yea ive been having a little trouble with that. i added a couple emerald crabs, ordered new bulbs, and added a refugium to the back compartment of my tank. hopefully it goes down in a week or so!!