kole tang and purple tang


New Member
i introduced a kole to my 80gal. my purple was not too keen on his new companion. i was hoping they would get along after a day or two like the lemon peel and purple. unfortunately, i had to pull the kole and put him back in quarantine. his dorsal and tail are a bit chewed. how long does it take to heal and how is there anything i can do to help him? i know it was a bad idea, the purple was too territorial. i won't make that mistake again. :(
btw, the purple is about 5in and the yellow eye is 2. the lemon peel 3in seemed to join the purple after a bit of time and chased the kole. is that usual? it seemed like he was doing it just because the purple was.


the purple and the lemon peel have established their own territories in the tank.. so they are dominant fish in the tank.. no dominant fish likes other fish in their space..my purple tang hated the yellow tang i put in with him.. so i removed the yellow.. later i added a hippo ..and they have no problem with each other. i guess it's just easiest to say ish have a mind of their own and there is really no definate way of knowing how they ill react to something maybe someon else can explain better than that..good luck..


Purples in general are very aggressive, but add to that an ESTABLISHED purple and he may as well be a trigger. Choose his next mate carefully and choose at least a moderately aggressive fish. Even a one of the more passive triggers would make a good mate. Don't one one to big or mean cause he'd eat your lemonpeel. Try a picasso or something, but i would say no more tangs cause the only on that would work is a naso or hippo that were bigger than the purple and they would both outgrow your tank.
Good call taking him out--it may take a while to get him back to normal but I'm sure he'll recover (at least fin wise).


I'm in agreement with Mr. jwtrojan44 Itis very hard to keep 2 tangs of the same genus in any small space, small as being anything less than like 300+ gallons. I owuld try a hippo tang or a Naso tang as these guys will have no problem with your purple and they should be able to get along fine.

richard rendos

Active Member
It says in your profile that you have a 55 gallon and a 45 gallon. I personally don't think your tanks are big enough for a purple tang, kole tang, and a lemonpeel angel all together. That is kinda pushig it. You would have done better adding the kole first and the purple tang after. Koles are very peaceful and easily stressed fish. Hope everything gets healed up, but don't know if they will ever get along in such a small tank.


New Member
thanks for all the info. i need to update my info, the tank they are in is a 80 gal fowlr. he is now recouping and is a bit skittish. live and learn.
btw, love the tag richard rendos, it can't rain all the time. from my favorite movie.