Originally posted by CinciJoe
I've had my Kole Tang for about 6 months now....yesterday he had little white dots in the am......then by the time I got home he looked fine.....this morning he had the white dots again and looked very nervous.......Is this ich? Should I get him out of there?
Water levels are all normal..
What is your substrate? I really dont worry about ick until its at the point where its cloudy and covering the fish. Then I make the attempt to remove to the hospital.
I have had ick in my tank for months. Once in a while one of the fish will come up with a spot or two but its gone within days.. Its risky this way because if you stress out your tank you could end up with an outbreak of ick on many fish.. Then you have some work to do.. and at that point i'll probably QT everyone for the 30 day period to kill the ick in the Display Tank.
Anyway my point is.. I wouldnt worry much about it at this point.. and certainly not worth causing the fish stress my ripping him out of the display tank..