Koles Tang not eating

We got a Koles Tang on Saturday...We were very nervous about how our Yellow Tang (Sunny) would treat him. everytime we looked at the tank he was hiding and being very skiddish. So natually we thought that Sunny was being a bully. Then we were standing across the room and he would come out and swim around with Sunny...So then we realized he was'nt afraid of the other fish...He's afraid of us!
So now when we want to see him we have to stay about 10 ft' from the tank. Anyways, we noticed that he is not eating. we have fed them mysis, Flake, Brine and blood worm...He will swim around but never eat. Any thoughts from anyone? Thanks


Active Member
You could also rub some fresh garlic on the sheets before feeding them to you tangs.
They love it.


Active Member
until u get it eating good dont clean the glass on as much of ur tank as u can tolerate they like to scrape algae off things and when you see little circle clear spots it him feeding on the algae