Koralia 4 acting funny


Active Member
One of my Koralias started "stopping" and restarting occasionally yesterday. I took it out and cleaned up the impeller but it was still doing it this morning before I left. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.


maybe check the plug contacts. They could be dirty and need cleaning or the outlet may be worn. If the plug is fairly loose in the outlet, try bending the prongs of the plug slightly to get a tighter fit, thus allowing better contact. It sounds like your having an issue with the electrical contact and not the powerhead itself.


Active Member
Those are both good ideas, I had worried about the loose connection, but luckily I have a grounding probe, but if I can't figure out what it is, then I'll just replace it. I was almost hoping that someone has run into it specifically... but either way, thanks!


dont people pay for wavemakers that do this hahaha
jk lemme know what you find i love hearing about stuff like this and how it is solved.