Koralia 4 powerhead attachment


Does anyone use the nozzle screen attachment? I dont have any fish right now but it does seem like a fish or snail can get caught in the propeller without the attachment. The bad thing is with the attachment on.... the flow is narrower. I still get plenty of flow with mine set on opposite ends...pointed at each other. With the attachment removed the flow is ALOT wider. Anyone get any curious fish caught without using the attachment? I just want to know if its safe to use without it. BTW my tank is cycling....I just wanted a answer to this question for future reference.


Active Member
i also have the #4 and i have two clowns, couple of snails and shimp. i don;t use the snail guard and no casualties yet.its been running all together for over a month...so far so good...


Active Member
on my koralia 3 i use the guard because im also afraid that fish, shrimp, or snails will wander into it... i wish they had two more plastic things covering the opening more it just seems like a lot of stuff could fit in there... ik when i feed the tank shrimp will climb on it so im afraid if the cap was off they would go in...


I have 2 #4's without the guard on and my Clowns , Foxface and Snails are all okay. I may put the guard on to see if I can control the flow a little more on the bottom of the tank.


when anything gets towards the front of mine they are rocketed across the tank I see no way they could get in there


Active Member
Originally Posted by FishyGurl
on my koralia 3 i use the guard because im also afraid that fish, shrimp, or snails will wander into it... i wish they had two more plastic things covering the opening more it just seems like a lot of stuff could fit in there... ik when i feed the tank shrimp will climb on it so im afraid if the cap was off they would go in...
I have the guard on my Koralia units and have never had a problem with fish, snails,etc. My cleaner shrimp uses them as a perch to survey the tank (55gal reef) and try to snag food drifting by and snails will climb on them looking for algae.
I think the flow coming out will deter any fish, etc, from getting too close to the propeller and the intake slots are pretty narrow so it seems like a pretty safe unit.
Except when you target feed your Condi, it sticks to the sea squirt feeder, loses its grip on the rock, you don't notice what has happened and next morning see that the Condi has been sucked onto (but not into) the Koralia #2 right above it. Not a pretty sight
, but really my fault entirely.


I have 2 #3's and I too have worried about something getting sucked in there, but I have never had any problems, in fact my Longnose Hawkfish loves to perch on the back of mine.


Active Member
I use the guard on mine to help control the flow and keep critters out, without it blasts one of my softy corals that sits under it pretty hard. I ran it without for a while and I have mexican bulldozer(turbo) snails in my tank and they are pretty oblivious about anything around them and would crawl right into the powerhead not far enough to hit the impeller though. I don't think it would hurt the snail but I don't know how well the impeller would hold up to a snail rubbing up against it.


i got 2 2's and one with it on just for directing it at the surface. the fish cant get close to the front and snails just crawl around it and dont go to the front