Koralia PH - what size?


I've read a lot of positive stuff about Hydor Koralias and I like the magnet idea, just wondering how big I need to go with a 50 gallon (15x20x36 in). I live in AZ and the tank is acrylic so I'm worried about heat, plus with fish only I'm thinking I can aim a little under 20x/hr turnover? Hopefully two Koralia 1's are enough but if anybody has experience with them being underpowered please reply (400 gph each must be enough to get things moving around, right?). I also like that they're a little smaller than the 2/3--less noticeable is better, since they kind of look like mini-hairdryers to me.


Active Member
I run 1 #1 and 1#3 in my 90. I am just about to order another #3 to replace the #1. Or to add to it. who knows.


Id go with a #3. the #1's are a bit underpowered even though they put out 400gph. its at an angle, so its not really a strong 400gph. but I would just go with one 3, if not try a 2 and see if it gives you the flow you want.


I went ahead and bought a pair of Koralia 2s, but while I'm cycling my new tank I just put one of them in there. I also have an AquaC Remora running the Maxijet 1200 and should be receiving a Magnum HOT filter in a day or two. I'll see how the water flow looks with those three items and decide if I think the second Koralia is needed. At some point though, I just don't want too many pumps running! Mostly for heat reasons because most of the year our house is right around 78-82 degrees (it's really expensive to A/C in Phoenix).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bluetang66
Two #4s in my 75.

I am using one #4 in my 75 and it moves water great do you think that running two would be better how do you like it ?
my damsels and one clown take off like a rocket when they hit the stream its funny watching them swin into the one. I aimed it in the middle on one side of my tank going straight to the other side at a slight downward angle


I think the 2s are the best bet for you. I have a 3, and it's a bit overpowered for my 55: hard to keep it from blowing the substrate around unless you point the flow upwards, which sort of defeats part of the purpose.
But Simon I see even has a 4 in his 55. How do you do that, Simon, and not get substrate moving around? What am I doing wrong?