Koran Question


My Koran has been acting slightly aggressive over the last couple of months, he's in a 90 w/ 3 false percs, a Clarki clown and today I added a Yellow tang. He will chase all of the fish at times but not often. The angel and tang are both about 5", will these two get along better with time or will the Koran get worse with age? I know the Koran will outgrow the 90 eventually so I'm wondering if I should return him now for something less aggressive...any thoughts?


Your Koran may stay aggressive towards the tang because it was his territory first. Try rearanging your aquarium a little to establish new boundaries


I think that you may want to decide what kind of setup you want to have in the future. I love Korans, and if your's is healthy, I would want to keep him and possibly remove the fish that he acts aggressively towards. If I remember correctly, Angels get less aggressive with age (I maybe wrong on this), but they will always want plenty of space and will always be a little on the bossy side. Yellow Tangs have a bit of a mean streak too. I agree with Superman, try rearranging a bit and see if it gets any better; if not, you should probably remove one of them, and if I were you, I would keep the Angel.
HTH- David


I had a juv. Koran (about 1 and a half inch long) before and he was very, very aggressive (but extremely beautiful) even at that size. Killed my delicate, peaceful coral beauty :(