KRIS & the Canister Filter


Staff member
Sounds like good adivse, Kris. Can you give me the exact name and model you're talking about?


It for me was a godsend. They are the new fluvals ranging from model 204, 304, or 404 depending on size of your tank. I actually went with two of the 304 and stuck one on either end of the tank.


New Member
Hey Beth, I saw your post for a good canister filter. I used to use a Magnum 350, and got sick of it. I have heard great things about the new fluvals. If you opt for a fluval make sure you asked if it is the improved version. When they first came out there was a problem. Most stores put a sticker on the new ones. I know this b/c a friend of mine owns a great store and deals heavily with Hagen. My favorite canister however is the Ocean Clear. You have to purchase an external pump(ie Iwaki, little Giant, Gen X, etc.) They are great. And can be used for a varitey of tanks. If you have a larger system, you can chain several different models together. I bought one for my 85 hex. tank, with an Iwaki 40RLT. My tank has never been better! It is hard to generate water movement in that tank, but not any more. If you have any questions or would like more info, just post it. I check every night about, 1:00am.


Active Member
Originally posted by fish boy:
<strong>put this on the equipment fourm</strong><hr></blockquote>
fishboy, i'm shocked u said that!


Active Member
fish boy, do you know what was even said, she was not asking advice, but directing a response to someone here, she is a very knowledgable keeper,a nd is quite successful, she ahs the name shark, under hers, that does not come from posting 1000s of replies, that is a title awarded to modrators, people who kep the peace and keep things in check,and also who have a bit more knowledge than the a bility to repeat "PUT THIS IN THE EQUIPMENT FORUM, YOU............."