Krylon Fushion Plastic Paint


Id never recommend painting anything inside your tank. The only thing that is ok for inside of your tank are certain potable water tank sealants.


Active Member
there are paitns you can use in your tank. what is it you are anting to do and maybe i have the way for you to do it


Active Member
I'm wanting to change the color of my bulkheads......I know that paint shouldn't go inside the tank, but thought I seen a thread on here a bit back that someone did just that


Active Member
You can use an Epoxy paint that becomes inert after curing. The one I see here doesn't say it sticks to plastic, but you may have luck by roughing up the surface first with a corarse sandpaper.
google: epoxy paints sweetwater


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I know, I know Squidd patience, but just wanted the bulkheads to be black to begin with....Seems like the coraline attracts so much faster to black for some reason to me???? :D


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Originally Posted by acrylic51
I'm wanting to change the color of my bulkheads......I know that paint shouldn't go inside the tank, but thought I seen a thread on here a bit back that someone did just that

Shawn, I thought you were talking about the back, outside of the tank...Is it full of water yet? If it were me I'd just swap out the bulkheads for black. I have two black 1.5" sitting in the garage.
:sleepy: lol, I guess if it was full of water you'd still have to drain it down to the bulkheads to paint em :rolleyes: what the hec was I thinkin?


Active Member
Thanks for the help Man!!!!! The tank is still in build stage....The back of the tank is already painted black......I'm using Sched 80 bulkheads for the CL and overflow.....The CL are 2" they are a dark gray, and wanted to paint the lip or flange part of the bulkheads